ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus who want to experience lasting freedom…
Exchange a Life of Sin management for authentic freedom
Discover how to change the things you hate and powerfully encounter God's love and truth
Why Do I Do What I Hate?
The replay for the webinar with Craig Hill
“Why Do I Do What I Hate?
will be posted here soon
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for the webinar with Craig Hill
Why Do I Do What I Hate?
(Note: This video includes the Q&A in the latter part)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Craig Hill:
“Why Do I Do What I Hate?”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Craig Hill:
“Why Do I Do What I Hate?”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
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Craig Hill
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the Desk of Craig Hill
Littleton, CO
Do you have old habits, sin patterns, or negative self-talk that you can’t quite seem to kick — no matter how hard you try?

Addictions, anger, fear, unhealthy relationships, self-defeat, bitterness, depression…the list goes on.

You may try to “will” them away with prayer, repentance, fasting, or intense self-effort, only to stumble and fall the moment you let your guard down.

There is a reason for this!
When you were born again, your spirit was made perfect in Christ, but your soul…

…well, that’s where the battle for transformation begins!

A lifetime of wounds, lies about God, yourself, and others, plus the emotional baggage that comes from living in a fallen world have shaped your identity, captured your emotions, and planted deep-seated roots within your soul.

That is why these destructive cycles will not suddenly disappear through prayer or striving — the roots to these sins MUST be uncovered, removed, and replaced with God’s truth for ultimate freedom.

And there is a proven approach to detecting and intentionally removing the roots that are sabotaging your life.
smiling woman
If you are ready to exchange a life of sin management for a life of authentic freedom, I invite you to join me in…
Restore Your Soul
Restore Your Soul
Finding Freedom from Fear, Shame & Anger
12-Lesson Class with Craig Hill
If you were honest — really honest — could you say your soul is at rest?

Emotional baggage, financial setbacks, relational wounds, health battles, even everyday disappointments can feel so frequent and normal that it’s hard to keep your head above water, let alone maintain peace in your soul.

But the moment your soul is moved out of peace, your flesh swoops in to offer you ways to cope with your present circumstances.
These coping mechanisms can look like shame, anger, fear, perfectionism, addictions, depression, the list goes on.

While these response patterns do offer some relief — the comfort is temporary, and the cycles are not only destructive… they’re exhausting.

If you live by the Spirit, these false comforts of the flesh are not your only option for managing life’s hurdles.

In Craig Hill’s upcoming class, he unpacks the effects of fear, shame, and anger — plus how they work together to keep you in pain, create dysfunction in your family, and weaken the flow of God’s anointing in your life.

Craig also introduces proven Biblical strategies and Spirit-led solutions to restore God’s order to your life and peace to your soul.
man standing in peaceful water
Nothing within its reach remains the same. It doesn’t just illuminate. It carries the force of heaven to destroy darkness, bring order to chaos, and release life wherever it goes.

You carry this force within you. The key is learning to release it.

When you understand the power, purpose, and process of God’s light emanating from you, you will begin to walk in a radically new level of power and authority to receive God’s Kingdom order in every area of your life and extend it to the world around you, including:
  • Healing sickness and disease
  • Driving out demons
  • ​Breaking the power of fear, trauma, and oppression
  • Unlocking God’s wisdom, favor, and revelation
  • ​Receiving rejuvenation in your body, soul, and spirit
  • C​alling back prodigals and releasing family and loved ones from the enemy
If you want to understand how fear, shame, and anger strategically operate so you can lay the foundation for a powerful healing journey with the Lord, you won’t want to miss this class.

Experience healing and freedom from the inside out.
In this class, you will:
  • Discover why some old habits, sin patterns, or negative self-talk stick around — long after salvation
  • Understand why self-effort and performance will never successfully overcome sin
  • ​Learn to recognize when you are using coping mechanisms to manage sin or comfort your soul
  • Uncover the (surprising) root of anger and explore the differences between shame, guilt, and self-esteem
  • Identify 7 unwritten rules that fuel a shame-based family, plus keys to breaking the cycle
  • Expose common shame-driven lies and learn how to replace them with God’s truth
  • ​Examine the cause of pride, how it manifests, and how to uproot it with God’s love
  • ​Experience restoration in your soul so you can enjoy a life of freedom and uncap the flow of God’s anointing in your life
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Class Lessons
Overview of the “Restore Your Soul
12-Lesson Class

Course description by Craig Hill

Click the play button above to hear the Sons of the Light course overview
by Katie Souza

Lesson 1: Why Do I Do What I Hate?
When you were born again, your spirit was made instantly perfect in Christ, while your soul began the journey of being renewed. In this lesson, you will learn what it truly means to be a new creation in Christ and how this impacts your spirit, soul, and body. As you discover more about these three distinct parts of your being, you will better understand why some old habits, sin patterns, or negative self-talk have stuck around, so you can be equipped to bring those things to the Lord for ultimate freedom.

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Battle for Soul Control: Flesh vs. Spirit
There is a battle raging for control of your soul. In this lesson, Craig offers an insightful look at how sin (or the flesh) slips in to bring false comfort when your soul is not at peace. You will learn to recognize when your flesh is trying to do the work that only the Holy Spirit can do — comfort, heal, and bring peace. Discover how to identify the motivation behind sinful habits, expose false comforts, and “un-employ” your flesh so God can do His work, bringing restoration to your soul.

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: Fear of Death, False Comforts, and Other Lies
When threatened by “death,” whether fear of physical harm or loss in your finances, emotions, health, or relationships, your flesh will often tempt you with a false comfort or offer you a lie to protect yourself. You don’t have to take the bait — there is a better solution to fear. In this lesson, you will learn how the fear of death (in all its forms) can torment your soul and open the door to the flesh. You will also receive applicable examples of this incredibly potent fear at work so you can identify and eliminate it in your own life.

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: The Temptation of Pride
The enemy wants you to believe that you have no value, and no one loves you — even though God’s perfect love brings immense value, security, and peace. Why? If the enemy can convince you that you’re worthless, you will likely lean into pride to alleviate your pain and fear. In this lesson, you’ll examine the two branches of pride and learn how each of them are unique responses to fear. As you discover greater depths of God’s love which replaces fear, you’ll see all signs of arrogance and self-pity vanish.

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 5: The Law of the Mind vs. The Law of the Spirit
Do you ever make up your mind about something and vow not to do it — only to end up doing that very thing the next chance you get? Whenever you make a law in your mind, you engage your own human effort to defeat sin, which only ends up empowering sin more. In this lesson, you’ll take a deep look at Romans 7 and learn how to identify with your spirit instead of your flesh. As you do this, you will be set free from the law of the mind to live by the transforming power of the Spirit and find rest for your soul.
Lesson 6: Overcoming Anger
Anger is an indicator that something is wrong — it’s not the problem itself. Functioning much like a warning system, you don’t need to control your anger; you just need to find out what deficiency might be causing the “blinking light” and bring that to the Lord for healing. In this lesson, you’ll receive an overview of anger and its effects, how to respond to it, and a powerful alternative to suppressing it. You’ll be equipped to get free from the harmful results of anger in your mind, body, relationships, and more.
Lesson 7: The Right Way to Deal with Anger
Is it ever okay to be angry? Most of us have a “go-to” response to anger. You may either suppress it, express it, or repress it so deeply you don’t even know it is there. None of these is a good option, and result in internal strife and relational chaos. In this lesson, you will discover God’s way to respond to anger so the toxic sting of poison is removed, and God can heal your emotions with His love and truth. If you are ready for a healthy process to take the cork off your emotions and experience true freedom, this lesson will show you how. 
man standing on rock with fists in air
Lesson 8: Shame: The Hidden Root of Anger
Frequently, the event that sparks your anger is not the real issue. Instead, it is a powerful indicator that something else is going on in your soul. In this lesson, you will learn the relationship between anger and a deep-rooted sense of shame. What is shame? How does it operate? Why does it often manifest in anger? What is the difference between shame, guilt, and self-esteem? Discover these answers and more in this powerful teaching that will equip you to break the cycle of shame and anger in your life.
Lesson 9: Seven Unwritten Rules that Fuel a Shame-Based Home
For most people, shame is first experienced during childhood — often in the context of family. The performance-oriented or perfectionistic home is, at its simplest, a coping mechanism for shame. In this lesson, you’ll discover the 7 rules that fuel a shame-based family, and how those rules lead to anger, rage, control, denial, and blame-shifting later in life. As you learn that God has a better approach to family, you’ll also be empowered to break any current cycles of shame and anger in your own life.
Lesson 10: Exposing Nine Lies that Retain Shame
There are so many lies available to believe about yourself and how you should interact with the world around you. Some may feel harmless; others might even seem “noble” — but the purpose of a lie is always to rob you of the love, peace, and life that God has promised you. This lesson will expose some of the most common lies that retain shame, help you identify when a lie has become a stronghold in your life, and offer solutions to replace these lies with God’s powerful truth.
woman expressing shame
Lesson 11: Freedom from Shame
Do you struggle to say “no?” Do you have trouble maintaining personal boundaries? Do you struggle to rest? These are all manifestations that a deep wound of shame is operating in your heart. In this lesson, you will examine some of the common behaviors and symptoms that indicate shame is holding you captive. Learn the right way to deal with shame so you can experience freedom from this debilitating stronghold.
Lesson 12: Breaking the Power of Shame and Releasing the Anointing
The enemy uses shame to keep you in hiding because he knows it will sabotage your God-given destiny and diminish God’s anointing on your life. This lesson will give powerful examples of what happens when you allow shame to shift your focus from God to yourself. If you want to unhook yourself from toxic shame and uncap the flow of God’s anointing in your life, this final lesson will offer keys to jumpstart your journey into freedom and restore your soul.
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How this class Works
Craig Hill has pre-recorded the 12 lessons in this class, so you may watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience.

Each lesson is about 30 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 12 main lessons:
  • Lesson 1: Why Do I Do What I Hate?
  • ​Lesson 2: Battle for Soul Control: Flesh vs. Spirit
  • ​Lesson 3: Fear of Death, False Comforts, and Other Lies
  • ​Lesson 4: The Temptation of Pride 
  • ​Lesson 5: The Law of the Mind vs. The Law of the Spirit
  • ​Lesson 6: Overcoming Anger 
  • ​Lesson 7: The Right Way to Deal with Anger
  • ​Lesson 8: Shame: The Hidden Root of Anger
  • ​Lesson 9: Seven Unwritten Rules that Fuel a Shame-Based Home
  • ​Lesson 10: Exposing Nine Lies that Retain Shame 
  • ​Lesson 11: Freedom from Shame
  • ​Lesson 12: Breaking the Power Shame and Releasing the Anointing
Each lesson includes:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A transcript
Restore Your Soul
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–4 (Wed, Nov 9 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Wed, Nov 23 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 9–12 (Wed, Dec 7 at 1:00 p.m.  Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Craig Hill. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you process with others in the class and hear Craig answer member questions.

    It’s okay if you are unable to join a LIVE session, because we will post the replays in the class member area.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    55% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 12-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $900. However, you receive a $500 savings, making your price only $400.
    Cash Savings
    67% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by November 5)
    The normal retail price for this 12-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $900. However, you receive a $600 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    bonus class
    The Truth Will Set You Free
    6-Lesson Class with Craig Hill
    (Must sign up by November 1)
    The enemy would like you to believe that the Christian walk is a constant battle to manage recurring patterns of sin, addictions, or patterns that rear their head the moment you let your guard down. But that doesn’t have to be the end of your story.

    In this six-lesson class, Craig Hill will walk you through the process God showed him to put an end to the recurring cycle so you can walk in full victory.
    • Lesson 1: The Heart Virus
    • ​Lesson 2: Finding the Virus
    • ​Lesson 3: Removing the Heart Virus
    • ​Lesson 4: Actual Victory vs. Self Effort
    • ​Lesson 5: What Grace REALLY Is, Part 1
    • ​Lesson 6: What Grace REALLY Is, Part 2
    Wealth, Riches, and Money: God’s Biblical Principles of Finance
    PDF Book by Craig Hill & Earl Pitts
    (Must sign up by October 29)
    Did you know there are more than 2,000 references dealing with stewardship, money, and finances in the Bible? While there may be a lot of different opinions on exactly what God thinks about money, one thing is clear, how you manage money is important to God. 

    This book examines the seven foundational principles that are as basic to the world of finance as the laws of gravity. Craig Hill and Earl Pitts’ deeply insightful journey into what the Bible says about money and how to use it for God's Kingdom, will forever change the way you view and relate to finances.

    bonus book
    bonus teaching
    Disarming the Force Behind Temptation
    Teaching with Craig Hill
    (Must sign up by October 26)
    In this revealing teaching, Craig Hill unpacks the subtle root of temptation and how it relates to idolatry. You will gain insight and understanding of the spiritual battle that rages for your authority and the schemes in which the enemy plays you to obtain it. You will be empowered to identify the lies the enemy has used to set up camp, dismantle false idols, and take back your authority to resist temptation and overcome the enemy.
    78% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by October 24)
    The normal retail price for this 12-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $900. However, you receive a $700 savings, making your price only $200.
    Cash Savings
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    Awesome Testimonies
    This class is fertile ground for your seed and life!
    There is a HUGE difference between having victory and authentic victory. — T.N.

    The message really touched my heart and helped me better understand about what I can do with the struggles I'm facing. — A.A.

    [I am] learning so much of what I’ve been taught at church for true healing isn’t true healing. — M.D.
    Craig went deep in a short time. — V.K.

    …we can be free without striving to be free. — K.C.

    I got an answer that I've been waiting to hear for years. Now [that] I have the answer God and I can work on it. I asked God if I could have peace in my latter years and this webinar says yes. — C.C.
    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    12-lesson training ($600 value)
    • Lesson 1: Why Do I Do What I Hate?
    • ​Lesson 2: Battle for Soul Control: Flesh vs. Spirit
    • Lesson 3: Fear of Death, False Comforts, and Other Lies
    • Lesson 4: The Temptation of Pride
    • Lesson 5: The Law of the Mind vs. The Law of the Spirit
    • Lesson 6: Overcoming Anger
    • Lesson 7: The Right Way to Deal with Anger
    • Lesson 8: Shame: The Hidden Root of Anger
    • Lesson 9: Seven Unwritten Rules that Fuel a Shame-Based Home
    • Lesson 10: Exposing Nine Lies that Retain Shame
    • ​Lesson 11: Freedom from Shame
    • Lesson 12: Breaking the Power Shame and Releasing the Anointing
    3 LIVE interactive Q&A sessions ($300 value)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–4 (Wed, Nov 9 at 1 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Wed, Nov 23 at 1 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 9–12 (Wed, Dec 7 at 1 p.m. Eastern)
    • 55% savings: $400 instead of $900
    • 67% savings: $300 instead of $900 (sign up by Nov 5)
    • The Truth Will Set You Free — 6-Lesson Class  (sign up by Nov 1)
    • Wealth, Riches, and Money — PDF Book (sign up by Oct 29)
    • Disarming the Force Behind Temptation — Teaching (sign up by Oct 26)
    • 69% savings: $200 instead of $750 (sign up by Oct 24)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME class access
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will empower you to learn how fear, shame, and anger strategically operate so you can lay the foundation for a powerful healing journey with the Lord.

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
    Money Back 30-Day Guarantee
    Restore Your Soul
    Restore Your Soul
    Priority Order Form
    YES! I want to experience healing and freedom from the inside out!
    And receive all the class bonuses and benefits.
    Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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    Blessings to restore your soul!
    Craig Hill
    Family Foundations International (FFI)
    Craig Hill
    Craig Hill is the founder of Family Foundations International (FFI), a Christian ministry dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and families become people of influence and build a godly heritage for multiple generations by restoring biblical foundations of marriage, family, and finance.

    Craig has trained permanent FFI ministry teams in more than fifty nations around the world, conducting over 2500 marriage and family blessing weekend experiences each year. He has written 15 books, including the best sellers, The Power of a Parent’s Blessing and Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don’t Know. Craig and his wife Jan have been married since 1977 and have two married sons and three grandchildren.
    Copyright 2020-2023 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.